Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Year of Home Improvement Splurge Spending

2018 - Year of Home Improvement Splurge Spending

Home Improvement

Data from around the industry indicates a gangbusters year for home improvement.
All signs point to high(er) home improvement spending in 2018, with much of the money going to outdoor living enhancements and hiring professionals.

Indicator one: Americans have more disposable income.

In January, real disposable income increased 0.6 percent from the same time last year – the biggest rise in nearly three years, according to the National Association of Homebuilders. It should come as no surprise that personal consumption also rose in January: 2.7 percent year over year, to be exact.

One historical constant in the remodeling industry is that when disposable income rises, so do the amount of home improvement projects homeowners are willing to take on. We saw it clear as day between 2011 and 2013, when the economy was rapidly improving and home improvement spending increased by about $6 billion in two years.

Indicator two: Homeowners admit they’re going to spend more.

Fifty-eight percent of homeowners, in fact, admit to increased budgets for home improvement projects this year, with 45 percent of those planning to spend at least $5,000, and the number of homeowners planning to spend more than $35,000 doubling since last year, according to LightStream’s fifth annual Home Improvement Survey.

So what are they spending on?

By a double-digit margin, outdoor living projects (43 percent) were the most popular among the surveyed homeowners, with decks, patios, and landscaping ranking at the top of the popular projects list for the fifth year in a row. Bathroom and kitchen remodels, at 31 and 26%, respectively, were also common responses, as was home repairs, which 28% of homeowners are planning. Since 2017, repairs was the only of those four project types that saw a decrease in the number of homeowners planning to take them on.

Home Improvement Most Popular Projects
Image courtesy LightStream

Another big finding from LightStream’s survey was that two-thirds of homeowners are planning to hire a professional for their projects. However, about half of those say that some of the work they’ll do themselves: all but the framing and structural work. The final third is the DIY group, which is largely made up of Millennials. Seventy percent of homeowners 18 to 34 do not plan to hire a professional. In the survey, young respondents explained their DIY inclinations, saying things like: “it’s more cost effective”; “(the work) gives me a sense of personal satisfaction”; and “I’ve done it before.”

The large number of DIYers does pose a problem for home improvement professionals, but it’s one likely not to be felt for a few years yet. For now, most homeowners are older. According to the National Multifamily Housing Council, the median homeowner age is currently 52, and 64 percent of homeowners are 45 or older.

2018 is the Year of Home Improvement Splurge Spending was originally posted on and was written by James McClister who is managing editor for Professional Remodeler.

This article was originally posted on

Monday, January 15, 2018

Atlantic Beach FL Expansion

Stucco Repair Contractor Atlantic Beach FL Expansion

Stucco Repair Pros would like to inform residents of Atlantic Beach, FL that our quality stucco repair services are not available in their city. We have expanded our services to Atlantic Beach, Florida in October of 2017. We are republishing our press release on that matter below.

It is now possible to schedule Free Estimates appointments for residents and business owners of Atlantic Beach, FL by calling our Jacksonville office at (904) 606-5353 or simply filling out our Estimate Request form. One of our professional estimators will contact them to set up Free Quote.

NOTE: This Press Release was originally published on

Friday, January 12, 2018

Orange Park FL Expansion

Stucco Repair Contractor Orange Park FL Expansion

We would like to bring awareness to the fact that Stucco Repair Pros now offer services in Orange Park, Florida. Check out company’s Press Release which was issued at that time.
Free Estimate can now be scheduled for residential or commercial stucco repair by calling (904) 606-5353 or by simply filling out Estimate Request form on the right of this page. Our experienced estimator will be in touch with you ASAP to set up your no obligation FREE Quote.

NOTE: Above Press Release was first seen on

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Yearlong Guide To House Cleaning

Yearlong Guide To House Cleaning

House Cleaning Guide

Image Credit:

My wife loves to keep our home in the best shape possible. Countless hours are spent every year on keeping up with clutter, dust bunnies, kid’s toys, window cleaning, etc. Not mentioning kitchen and all the bathrooms in the house. And that is only our home interior. I take care of the outside of our home, and let me tell you… That job never ends either.

Last week she came across great article from The Washington Post written by Lindsey M. Roberts. This article talks about how home maintenance done on annual bases will help us prevent costly repairs that are completely avoidable. I will republish this article in it’s entirety below. It has nothing to do with stucco repair at all, I hope you find it useful. So here we go…

A Yearlong Guide To House Cleaning, Starting With The January De-Clutter

By Lindsey M. Roberts
The Washington Post

Prevention is the best medicine with your house, as well as your body. “We go for our annual checkups to our doctor and dentist, so why not do it for our home?” says Mike Holmes, host of HGTV’s “Holmes on Homes.”

Annual maintenance will help prevent you from having to make an avoidable, costly repair, he says. For a comprehensive list of important annual maintenance tasks, we consulted with Holmes and other home-maintenance, cleaning and organizing experts. Stick to this basic list each month and your house will run like a machine.


Clean kitchen light fixtures. Becky Rapinchuk, author of “Simply Clean: The Proven Method for Keeping Your Home Organized, Clean, and Beautiful in Just 10 Minutes a Day,” recommends using a microfiber cloth or duster on glass shades and fixtures.
Declutter. Examine every room and try to get at least three bags of stuff out of the house, says Jill Nystul of the lifestyle blog One Good Thing by Jillee.


Dust baseboards and vents. If you don’t have a vacuum cleaner with a hose and nozzle attachment, Rapinchuk suggests using a long-handled duster or a broom with a T-shirt secured over the bristles.
Clean light fixtures in the living and dining rooms. Take down chandeliers if you need to do a deep clean, and wash the parts in a solution of one part vinegar to three parts warm water, Nystul recommends.


Wash and fluff pillows and bedding. Focus on bedding that doesn’t get washed every week, i.e., the down comforters, pillow shams and covers.
Turn, rotate and vacuum mattresses. Slowly use a regular vacuum or a mattress-specific vacuum such as the Raycop to get dust mites out of every nook and cranny, Rapinchuk says.
Test and replace smoke and carbon monoxide detector batteries.


Get the HVAC system serviced. Holmes says to use a professional technician in the spring and fall to prepare for the most extreme seasons. “Part of their regular maintenance should be to vacuum any debris from the furnace blower,” he adds.
Clean gutters. Remove leaves and debris and make sure the downspouts direct water away from your home’s foundation, Holmes says.
Check decks and wooden exterior features. Perform a visual inspection annually. Do a deep-cleaning with a power washer, followed by staining and sealing, every three years, Holmes says.


Review contents of your emergency kit. If you don’t have an emergency kit, create one with a flashlight, batteries, candles, matches, a battery-powered radio, nonperishable food, bottled water and a first-aid kit, Holmes suggests. Also consider a backup generator.
Clean light fixtures in the master bedroom.


Get ducts and vents cleaned. Clean ducts will help with air quality and efficiency, Holmes says, adding, “Unless you have pets or suffer from major allergies, this isn’t a job you’ll need to do annually, but having the ducts cleaned every few years – or after a renovation – wouldn’t hurt.” Check dryer ducts, too.

Wash windows inside and out. Rapinchuk says her natural recipe for window cleaner works better than anything she has purchased. Mix four tablespoons of Castile soap, four tablespoons of rubbing alcohol and a half-gallon of warm water.

Check the attic. Make sure that there is sufficient insulation, that it is properly sealed with a vapor barrier, that vents are in good condition and that it’s well ventilated to let out moisture. “If your attic doesn’t have enough insulation, you could see instances of ice damming on your roof as heat escapes out of your home,” Holmes warns. “This can cause water to flow back toward your home.”
Clean light fixtures in other bedrooms.


Deep-clean the refrigerator and freezer. Consider containing and labeling items to make them more streamlined and attractive, Rapinchuk suggests, and don’t forget the pantry. Oh, and brush those refrigerator coils with a condenser coil brush.
Clean the dishwasher. Wipe down sides, check the trap at the bottom, and run an empty load with a cup or two of white vinegar in the bottom of the dishwasher, Rapinchuk says.
Dust ceilings, corners and ceiling fans. Try an extendible pole system with microfiber cloths.


Get an annual inspection of the chimney and fireplace. “When you use your fireplace, the chimney’s flue will begin to get coated with creosote – a highly combustible substance,” Holmes says. “A proper chimney cleaning will remove that creosote, lowering your risk of a chimney fire.” Get it done in August so the fireplace is ready to use when chilly weather sets in.
Touch up paint inside and out where needed. Summer can be a good time to paint before it’s too cold to leave doors open for off-gassing.
Clean light fixtures in living and dining rooms.


Trim back overgrown and dead branches. Pay special attention to trees near your home and electrical wires, Holmes says.
Check caulking and weatherstripping around windows and doors. If anything is missing or falling apart, replace it. “Use a rubberized caulking that can expand and contract with the home,” Holmes says, and look for leaks and openings around pipes and vents.
Clean light fixtures in the family room.
Wash and fluff pillows and bedding. Examine sofa pillows and throws for stains, too.
Turn, rotate and vacuum mattresses. Sprinkle a quarter-cup of baking soda that’s been mixed with an essential oil over the mattress. Let it sit for half an hour, and then vacuum it up, Rapinchuk recommends. If you don’t have a waterproof mattress cover, get one and launder it with your sheets occasionally.
Test and replace smoke and carbon monoxide detector batteries.


Get the HVAC system serviced.
Vacuum or sweep the garage. This is a good time to wash, vacuum and declutter vehicles, too.
Service and winterize outdoor equipment. Test battery-operated snow equipment, Holmes says. Drain fuel or add antifreeze to lawn mowers, weed whackers and other machines not stored in a heated area.


Clean gutters
Shut down water for winter. Before the temperature drops, drain and put away hoses. Drain and shut off sprinkler systems and outdoor water taps – don’t forget the tap in your garage, if you have one. Drain the line by turning the inside water off first.
Vacuum the basement or storage area. Purge things you no longer use.
Dust baseboards and vents. Baby wipes work, Rapinchuk says, as do white foam erasing sponges or a mixture of warm water and Castile soap.
Clean master bedroom light fixtures.
Dust ceilings, corners and ceiling fans.


Vacuum lampshades. You can also use a lint roller to remove dirt.
Assess holiday decorations before putting them away. Donate what you no longer use and throw away things that are broken.
Assess holiday decorations before putting them away. Donate what you no longer use and throw away things that are broken.
Clean light fixtures in the bedrooms.


Vacuum baseboards.
Vacuum and spot-clean furniture.
Wash kitchen and bath mats.
Polish wood furniture.
Wipe switches, phones, computer keyboards and remotes. Use antibacterial dish soap and hot water, or an antibacterial spray such as the one Nystul makes, with a cup of water, a half-cup of white vinegar, and five drops each of wild orange, melaleuca and lavender essential oils.
Wipe down appliances. Rapinchuk likes microfiber window and glass cloths for this. “For non-stainless-steel appliances, I just recommend soap and water or your favorite all-purpose spray cleaners. They’re going to be easier to clean. For glass, you’ll want to use a cleaner.” And for stainless steel, she uses white vinegar and runs a microfiber cloth in the direction of the grain. She says olive or coconut oil can help get gunk off range hoods.


Spot-clean walls. Check for fingerprints, smudges and smears, and wash with a solution of a half-gallon of warm water to one or two drops of Castile or dish soap.
Change furnace filters. “You want to do this at least every three months – but I change mine every month during the winter … because we’re getting more use out of our systems,” Holmes says. Consider getting a programmable thermostat, too. “It helps keep the home more energy-efficient,” Holmes says.
Clean bathroom light fixtures and exhaust fans.
Clean and seal or polish hardwood floors.
Clean window treatments and blinds. “For blinds, I’ll start with a vacuum cleaner and run it all over the slats, and then flip them and run it over it again,” Rapinchuk says. “Then use that same attachment and just do the windowsills, too. You can then take a microfiber cloth or a sock and barely dampen it with rubbing alcohol and get a bit of that film off.” For draperies, she either uses her vacuum cleaner’s drapery setting and nozzle or takes them to a dry cleaner.
Clean the oven. Use the self-cleaning feature, and if that doesn’t do the trick, Nystul puts a pot of hot water on one rack and a cup of ammonia on another rack. She lets it sit overnight in a preheated (and turned-off) 150-degree oven, then scrubs away the softened grime.

Read original Lindsey M. Roberts’ article.
Copyright © 2018, Chicago Tribune.


Like I mentioned before, this article has nothing to do with stucco repair services, but I would like to include some stucco maintenance tips…
I can’t stress enough the importance of yearly stucco inspections and stucco maintenance. We have entire post dedicated to maintenance of your exterior stucco walls. You can read entire Exterior Stucco Maintenance article to learn what to do to keep your stucco in the best possible shape.
We recommend performing these inspections before Florida rainy seasons start. It would be a great idea to do it at the beginning of fall, September or October, when cooler temperatures come in. When structure cools down it contracts and stucco cracks appear to be bigger and it is always better to do stucco crack repair when they expand.
If you notice any stucco damage on your stucco wall like cracking, peeling, bulging, or anything else that does not look normal, please call our office right away at (904) 606-5353 to schedule a free estimate. It is very important to take care of these issues as soon as possible. By doing that you will possible prevent further damage that will be a lot more costly to take care of.
So now that we all have our home work (pun intended) for entire year let’s get to it.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Duval County

Stucco Repair Pros Duval County, FL Expansion

Stucco Repair Pros are now service entire Duval County, Florida. You can read company issued Press Release below.
You can schedule your free stucco repair estimate by calling (904) 606-5353 or by filling out Estimate Request form on this page. One of our experienced estimators will contact you ASAP to set up an appointment for FREE Quote.

This Press Release was originally published on

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Stucco Contractor Jacksonville FL

Stucco Contractor Jacksonville FL Stucco Repair Pros wanted to raise awareness of our service area.

Check out our service area map:

This YouTube describes our services:

Call us at our office and schedule free stucco repair Jacksonville FL quote.

Learn more about Stucco Repair Pros by visiting our About Us Page.

Find out more about our Residential Stucco Repair and Commercial Stucco Repairservices.

Stay on top of stucco repair industry with out DIY Stucco Repair Tips and Tricks.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Stucco Repair Kits Resource Guide

Searching for Stucco Repair Kits?

Stucco Repair KitIf you are searching for stucco repair kits online you have a lot of options. In some of our recent posts, we have talked about some compelling reasons why fixing cracks in your stucco right away is always a great idea that will save you your hard earned cash. Sometimes residential stucco repair and even commercial stucco repair can be a simple project and it can be done by a DIY type homeowner or business owner themselves. They can save tons of money by not having to hire local professional stucco repair contractor. At least when it comes to minor stucco repair projects.

To get that done, sometimes all you need is some sealant and you’re on your way. We even went ahead and reviewed some of the top stucco repair caulk and sealants for you. But when that doesn’t get it done, sometimes you need to come into the job a little bit more…equipped.

How helpful are these kits?

Fortunately for all of you do-it-yourself types, both retailers and manufacturers have put together stucco repair kits for a more comprehensive approach solution. But how helpful are these kits? What are some of disadvantages to their employment.

This article on does a good job briefly introducing the idea of personal stucco repair and  goes over how  stucco repair kits can be utilized:

Stucco repair is a project that can be done by a homeowner themselves so they can save a lot of money on yearly maintenance. Many homes are covered with a stucco siding and benefit from the many advantages it gives. Through the years of having a stucco siding, homeowners will notice that there is some continued maintenance to make sure that the stucco looks good and provides the adequate protection to the home’s inner shell.

“Having a well rounded tool kit will help greatly with many different types of home repair. A basic compliment of hand tools and power tools adds greatly to the amount of projects that can be performed and the level of success with each project. However, there are some specialty items that will help to do projects that can not be done with a basic tool set. One of the projects is that of stucco repair. While you may need some items such as a hammer, chisel, or brush, there are other tools that are essential to stucco repair.

There are many types of kits available, often varying by the brand of sealer used as well as the types of tools that are or could be included. Which kit you need generally depends on the type of job you’re facing.

To help us, has this useful guide. It should help survey the types of kits that are available and where they may be found:

You can find a number of different stucco repair kits from leading home improvement stores like The Home Depot And Lowes, but do they really work and are all of them really an “all in one” type of solution for every type of stucco patch or crack?

I will reveal some of the advantages and disadvantages of these stucco kits, how to use them and where you can find them in this article, so you have a very thorough understanding of what to expect and how you can achieve professional results when doing these simple repairs. 

Stucco Repair Kits by Manufacturers

We also wanted to list just a few stucco repair kits that were mentioned in the articles we quoted above to get you started…

  • Rapid Set Patch Compound
  • Phenopatch Premixed Stucco Patch
  • DAP Stucco Patch
  • LaHabra Color Patches
  • Quikrete Base Coat
  • Quikrete 1 Coat Base
  • Quikrete Pre-Mixed Stucco Patch
  • Rapid Set Stucco Mix (video below)

Stucco Repair Tool Kits

Also, you would need a small arsenal of tools to perform those small stucco repair projects… So we will give you some ideas on those as well…

  • Trowel
  • Float
  • Chisel
  • Bucket and Flat Board
  • Paint Cans or Stucco Pigment

All things considered, stucco repair tool-kits are useful to the extent that they conveniently include all the basic tools needed for a repair job. This is ideal for average consumers who may not have construction tools lying around the house.

However, for the aforementioned do-it-yourselfer’s who may already have the requisite tools, pre-assembled kits may prove a redundant and thus may be a waste of money. Which are you?

Need Further Help Wit Stucco Repair Project?

In one of our earlier posts we made sure you know How to Choose the Right Stucco Repair Contractors to help you with anything stucco repair related and who can tell you if you in fact need a professional stucco repair contractor.

In the case of any stucco repair project, whether it is for your home or your business, gets a little too much you can always call Stucco Repair Pros to take care of it for you. There is not a project that is too small or too big for us. You can contact us by simply filling out our Stucco Repair Estimate Request Form or calling our office at (904) 606-5353 and we will rush to your rescue… We promise!